The 2025 scholarship application will be open until April 15, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.



This scholarship has been established by David’s Legacy Foundation to honor the love and kindness that David Molak showed his friends and family.


This scholarship recognizes exceptional graduating high school seniors in all Bexar County Independent School Districts and Bexar County Charter Schools who exhibit characteristics of kindness in all aspects of their life. Our hope is that with assistance from this scholarship for their freshman year in college, recipients will continue to spread kindness into their adult life.

The recipient of the David Molak Kindness Scholarship will be someone who is:

  • Kind-hearted
  • Has a high level of integrity
  • Shows genuine concern for the well-being of others

The recipient is acutely aware that their kindness toward others has a positive impact on the community and those around them.

  • Submissions can either be self-nominated or school staff nominated
  • Applications, and all supporting documents, are due by 11:59 PM on April 15, 2025 (this is a non-negotiable deadline and incomplete submissions cannot be considered).

Please include:

  • Name of school
  • Name of a parent, guardian, school counselor
  • Phone number and/or email address of parent, guardian or school counselor
  • If being nominated by school staff, provide their full name, phone number and email address

Read through all instructions below before starting

    1. Complete online application in its entirety
    2. Essay – General instructions
      • It is recommended that you write the essay in another program, then copy and paste into the application when you are ready to submit.
      • Max of 250 words (1/2 page at 12pt font)
      • This is a unique essay, per the writing prompt below. Please do not copy and paste your resume of activities/accomplishments
    3. Exclude from the essay:
      • Your name, use “I”/“he”/”she”/”they” instead
      • High school name, use “school” instead
      • Club/organization names that identify the school/district you attend
    4. Essay instructions
      • Essay – “Celebrating student-driven anti-bullying, kindness, or inclusion initiative”
        • What: Provide a brief description of an anti-bullying, kindness, or inclusion initiative you were part of
        • Why: Explain why you chose to be part of this anti-bullying, kindness, or inclusion initiative
        • How: Share how this anti-bullying, kindness, or inclusion initiative has impacted you, and how it has impacted others in your community
      1. Complete online application in its entirety
        • Essay – General instructions
          • It is recommended that you write the essay in another program, then copy and paste into the application when you are ready to submit.
          • Max of 250 words (1/2 page at 12pt font)
          • Excludefrom the essay:
            • Nominee name, use “I”/“he”/”she”/”they” instead
            • Nominee high school name, use “school” instead
            • Club/organization names that identify the school/district the student attends
        1. Essay instructions
          • Essay – “Celebrating student-driven anti-bullying, kindness, or inclusion initiative”
            • What: Provide a brief description of an anti-bullying, kindness, or inclusion initiative the student you are nominating has been part of
            • Why: Explain why you believe the student you are nominating chose to be part of this anti-bullying, kindness, or inclusion initiative

        How: Share how this anti-bullying, kindness, or inclusion initiative has impacted the nominated student, and how it has impacted others around them

Note: Winners will be notified by email and a certificate will be mailed to the home of each winner.  Scholarship recipients will be asked to provide David’s Legacy Foundation a digital photograph holding the certificate and a publicity release form so they can be recognized in David’s Legacy Foundation promotional materials.

Past Scholarship Winners