Bullying, cyberbullying, and harassment
(13) Injury and violence prevention and safety–digital citizenship and media. The student understands how to be a safe and responsible citizen in digital and online environments. The student is expected to:
- Health TEK 115.26 (13)(F) identify the current legal consequences of cyberbullying and inappropriate digital and online communication
(14) Injury and violence and safety – interpersonal violence. The students understand the impact of interpersonal violence and the importance of seeking guidance and help to maintain personal safety. The student is expected to:
- Health TEK 115.26 (14)(B) assess healthy and appropriate ways of responding to and discouraging bullying and cyberbullying, including behavior that takes place at school
- Health TEK 115.26 (14)(C) analyze the impact that bullying has on both victims and bullies
- Health TEK 115.26 (14)(D) identify strategies for prevention and intervention of all forms of bullying and cyberbullying such as emotional, physical, social, and sexual
- Health TEK 115.26 (14)(E) discuss ways to seek the input of parents and other trusted adults in problem-solving issues relating to violence and bullying