The Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC) is the official training and clearinghouse for school safety initiatives and mandates in Texas. David’s Legacy Foundation is grateful to be able to collaborate with The Center on their education and training efforts around bullying and cyberbullying. The TxSSC has recently launched an updated version of their ‘Before You Text’ Bullying and Sexting Course to include the mandate in SB 11 (86th Legislative Session) to teach students “the criminal consequences of cyberbullying”. The course may be used in part, or in its entirety, as an educational tool in the classroom. There is also an accompanying test to demonstrate successful completion. This course addresses bullying and sexting, and addresses the legal, social, emotional, educational and career impact of these activities. Due to the content of the course, the course is recommended only for those 12 years of age and older. DLF encourages parents to use the course as a springboard to family conservations around digital citizenship and the importance of treating their peers with kindness…both on and off-line.