The rampant accessibility of technology has affected youth in many ways, from increased levels of anxiety, stress, and depression to increased suicide rates; Circling the Wagons is an educational program devoted to “protecting sanity & humanity in the digital age.” Through this program, parents, educators, and teens/young adults can access resources, training, and support systems to help create positive cyberspace while developing smart digital skills.
The educational seminars and guides provide varied information based on parents, educators, and teens/young adults; topics include:
For parents:
- Prevention of chronic distraction and digital addiction
- Prevention of anxiety, depression, and suicide
- Coaching and support groups
- Stress reduction strategies
- Strategies to manage children’s emotions and promote happiness
For educators:
- In class stress reduction strategies
- Resources to spark conversation about Mental Health Education and Social and Emotional Learning
- Professional Development for mindfulness in students
- Provision of Educational Consulting
For teens and young adults:
- Stress reduction strategies
- Mindfulness training
- Coaching/support groups
- Strategies to manage emotions and promote happiness